
Copenhagen Dance Arts

Premiere: 08-02-2019

Location: MU Theatre

Performes: Emese Cuhorka/Marcio Kerber Canabarro, Jenna Jalonen, Csaba Molnár, Máté Váth, Jessica Simet/Bea Egyed, Zoltán Vakulya/Imre Vass
Live music: Ábris Gryllus
From recording: Béla Bartók: For Children
Light design: Miklós Mervel
Costumes and props: Csenge Vass
Dramaturgy: Ármin Szabó-Székely
Choreography: Adrienn Hód

Special thanks to: Júlia Szlávik, Marcio Kerber Canabarro, Tamara Vadas Zsófia, Imre Vass, Gregor Runge

Photos: Gergely Ofner

Production: OFF Foundation

Supported by: Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma, Nemzeti Kulturális Alap, SÍN Kulturális Központ, in partnership with Műhely Foundation, MU Theater

Mirage is a thought-provoking work placed within self-defined and externally imposed cultural and political realities. It deals with the annihilation and decay of contemporary dance, states of inertia and vulnerability, and the loss of faith and physical movement. It calls into question our everyday feelings and notions. In this fictional space, constantly struggling with gravity, the performers extract determining situations from themselves and each other.