The Way My Father Imagined It All

Premiere: 23-04-2012
Location: MU Theatre
Creators: HÓD Adrienn, MOLNÁR Csaba, Marco TORRICE
Co-creators: CUHORKA Emese, GARAI Júlia, MOLNÁR Csaba, Márcio Kerber CANABARRO
Music: MIZSEI Zoltán
Costume: Artista Stúdió
Light design: Wil FRIKKEN
Co-producers: Műhely Alapítvány / Jardin d’Europe, Centre de Développement Chorégraphique / Biennale de danse du Val-de-Marne (FR), Hebbel am Ufer (D), Grand Theatre Groningen (NL)
The project was funded by the Culture Programme of the European Union.