Basse Danse
Premiere: 29-09-2011
Location: MU Színház
Performers: Emese Cuhorka, Júlia Garai, Csaba Molnár, Marco Torrice
Live music, voice: Zoltán Mizsei
Dramaturgy: Ildikó Végh
Set Design: Rózsa Sebő
Costume Design: ARTISTA
Lighting: Bas Barensen
Choreography: Adrienn Hód
Co-produced by: The Grand Theatre, Groningen
Supported by: Ministry of Human Resources (H), National Cultural Fund (H), Tempus Foundation (H), Budapest City Council, New Performing Arts Foundation (H), Gödör Klub, L1 Dance, Workshop Foundation (H), OFF Foundation (H),Tanzfabrik- Berlin, Radialsystem- Berlin
The first performance of the Hodworks company to attract professional recognition and international interest was Basse Danse in 2011. The performance, which was built up from an unusually long rehearsal period, grew out of the Daily Routine/Mindennapi rutin series. Basse danse is both the most widespread form of dance in the 15th century and the improvisational instrumental music that accompanies it. The movement builds in parallel with the music, the exalted solos slowly evolve into a community, the simultaneous movements become synchronous, the disjointed elements of movement form new forms.
During the performance, the dancers stand up in the dance order and show their characters. Zoltán Mizsei has abandoned experimental electronic music and reached back to the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The resulting music could evoke the illusion of carefree and well-being. This is in fact in complete contrast to the strict order, tempo, meeting points and shifts that the dancers follow on stage. Although the revived traditions evoke a very well-defined time, on stage we see an elemental, weightless, elegant existence, the dancers dancing out of time.
Basse Danse won the 2012 Lábán Rudolf Award and through it Hodworks was selected as one of Aerowaves Priority Associations.