What Should We Do with Our Bodies?

Premiere: 01-01-2008

Location: MU Theatre

Dance: Júlia Garai and Anna Biczók
Live performance: Dr. Mizsei and Linda Tabbouch (I.O.N.)
Dressed by: Emese Kasza
Photo: Imre Kővágó Nagy
Choreography, direction: Adrienn Hód

“Thanks to the musicians, the voices come to life in the piece. Mizsei dismantles sentences, words and sounds in the same way that Adrienn Hód dismantles choreographic structures, even the meaning can disappear as a word slips into sounds (…) The dancers go down to the basics: they twist and twist each other as if they were rag dolls, kicking and testing the body’s reflexes, searching for extremes. They also push the boundaries of intimacy at will, whether by exposing their bodies or by entangling or fighting…”